Monday, August 9, 2010

Altruistic Reality By June Child.

"Deep thoughts have been heavily imprisoned with notions and endless dreams. Notions have been gently untangled by an altruistic reality, and acceptance has become a trusted ally. This ally stands on the sidelines and watches friends or fanatic foes discreetly: a watch tower. Catalyst, Red Doors, decorated with purpose, open, and I enter. Manifestation beckons me.

Because of this reason, I must Reason with the heart.

Deep feeling is an inheritence that has endowed me with experiences wrapped in passion, and a yearning that yearns to be yearned, but although this inheritence has been potently driving the reins of my spirit, I have concluded that in this present day my status stands as an Empath seeking disambiguation of emotions and thoughts within the realms of myself and within the realms of rationalization. In this process, I will reveal the lessons and hope for the ponder of an audience. My success is not measured by the common day standard, but rather through the clarity of one or beyond. An unconscious movement is my focus. A cause beckons me and a noble strength rises.

A Cause that says :

"We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety or one hundred years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful with our lives. If you contribute to other people's happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life. "

Although, in all honesty, an underlying fear lurks, I quickly disarm it with an acceptance and a will that is good. Mother Earth embraces me for she is the Hierophant.

Behind me, I leave the engagement of Absolute Love, but I must clarify, I do not confuse the disengagement with a Jaded affair with Love. The Universe is simply pushing me to a mind-field of opportunities that I have yet to discover. I am thankful.

There are different ways to love. To love under the grand infinite star lit skies. To Love through subtleties that stream through intricate moments in time. I savor this notion of Love for it allows the truth of days to resonate freely with purpose. An underlying faith grounds me and nourishes me throughout the bullshit."

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